Networking and Marketing

Available 3 Years 11 Months

Jawa Timur

AutoCADAWSCloud Computing

I am a fresh graduate majoring in telecommunications technician from Telkom University. Skilled in network and security engineer, antenna, and propagation. I have the ability to quickly learn, adapt easily, and collaborate effectively with others.

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Admin Produksi / PPC

Available 2 Years 5 Months

Jawa Barat

LeadershipKomputerMicrosoft Office

Introduce, My Name Dimas Agustin. I’m Graduated of binkarya mandiri vocational school, Majoring in computer and networking engineering. I’m highly motivated person and discipline while doing anything. Can work effectively with both teams or individuals and interested in learnig new things. I’am also a hardworker with flexible and growth mindset.

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Management Marketing

Available No Experience

Jawa Barat

Halo perkenalkan nama saya Angelina Vercelli Simanjuntak bisa dipanggil Celli, saya lulusan dari Universitas Padjadjaran jurusan Usaha Perjalanan Wisata/Pariwisata tahun 2015. Saya memiliki berbagai pengalaman kerja di berbagai perusahaan terutama di bagian yang berhubungan dengan customer seperti Customer Service, Receptionist, Marketing selama kurang lebih hampir 5 tahun. Saya memiliki kepribadian yang ramah, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, mampu berbahasa inggris, mudah bersosialisasi dan memiliki motivasi yang kuat dalam bekerja.

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Finance & Accounting Staff

Available 2 Years 7 Months

DKI Jakarta

Accounting SystemMicrosoft Office

A bachelor of Accounting with 2 years of experience in Finance & Accounting. Familiar with all functions of accounting, including balancing sheets, processing payments, managing accounts payable and providing executive administrative support.

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Architects & Construction

Available No Experience

Jawa Barat

Saya Sarjana lulusan Universitas Pancasila Jurusan Teknik Sipil dengan IPK 3.60. Memiliki kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi yang baik, berfikir kritis serta mudah beradaptasi. Saya senang dalam belajar hal baru, memiliki pribadi yang mandiri dan menyukai tantangan. Saya memiliki kemampuan dalam mengoperasikan software seperti Ms Excel, Ms Word, Ms PowerPoint, Visio, AutoCAD, STAADPro, dan ArcGIS.

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Available No Experience

Jawa Barat


Nama saya Daniel Christian Sidabalok. Saat ini saya berusia 22 tahun. Saya lulusan D3 Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan tahun 2022 dengan Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK): 3,25. Saya memiliki pengalaman kerja magang di PT Bank Sumut Medan pada Divisi Kredit dan KAP Parlindungan dan Juli Jakarta sebagai Junior Auditor. Saya mampu bekerja keras dibawah tekanan untuk mencapai target perusahaan. Saya dapat bekerja dengan jujur dan sanggup bekerja sama sesuai aturan perusahaan. Saya sangat berharap untuk dapat bergabung dan berkontribusi pada perusahaan ini. Terima kasih.

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Intern Network Administrator

Available 4 Years 0 Months

Jawa Timur

A passionate Data Scientist with a strong background in Information Technology. Experienced was accepted for an internship in Machine Learning at Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, and Traveloka (2023) in extracting insights from large datasets and proficient in R, SQL, and Python. Expert in data visualization tools such as Tableau and Power BI. Creating a prediction application for shallot prices in Nganjuk and FIT (Find Indonesia Tourism) a mobile application with a tourism recommendations in Indonesia. And currently interning as a FullStack Web Developer at PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) Madiun in 2023. Building Learning Management and Employee Performance Assessment systems (I-Knows) using Laravel Framework, Laravel Libraries such as Carbon, Yajra, etc. And programming language such as HTML, CSS, PHP, AJAX and more. Follows Git Workflow, emphasizes Dry Principles and Clean Code for efficient development.

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Sourcing & Talent Acquisition

Available 1 Years 3 Months

DKI Jakarta

Analytical ThinkingAnalytical Skill

Perkenalkan nama saya Gempur Pranata, saya lulusan S2 Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi. Saya mempunyai pengalaman kerja sebagai HR Recruitment di bidang usaha Multifinance dan Sourcing & Talent Acquisition bidang usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Saya siap bekerja dan bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja.

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Human Resources & Recruitment

Available No Experience

Jawa Tengah

AdministrationAnalytical Skill

Saya merupakan lulusan S1 Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (IPK 3,71) yang merupakan fresh graduated dan menguasai alat tes psikologi. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi efektif, pemecahan masalah dan dapat bekerja dalam tim maupun individu. Tertarik pada bidang Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi.

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IT Support

Available No Experience

DI Yogyakarta


I am a graduate of S1 Informatics from Sanata Dharma University. I have skills in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JavaServlet, Java, Bootstrap, and DBMS such as Oracle Database and MySQL Database. I'm currently looking for experience in IT (software and hardware). I consider myself a person who is passionate about work, can adapt quickly to the work environment.

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Available 8 Months

Jawa Timur

AdministrationCustomer service

An Management graduate with qualifications and several years of work experience in purchasing, marketing, customer relations and project product development. Have a strong understanding of business, management inventory, marketing strategy, negotiation, customer service, data analysis end to end process (data cleaning, analysis, visualization, recomended solutions), and computer proficiency (Microsoft Office and SQL). I am enthusiastic about embarking on a dynamic career transition, with a strong interest in diverse fields such as data analysis, product management, administration, purchasing and open to other fields. My versatile skill set, coupled with a passion for learning and problem-solving, equips me to adapt and excel in new and exciting roles. I am eager to explore opportunities that align with my goals and contribute making a positive impact to the company.

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Available 2 Years 7 Months


Fluent EnglishCommunication Skill

When I was still in elementary school, at the end of every semester my teacher would tell my parents that I am adaptable, talkative, and friendly with everyone. Throughout my life, these traits became more prominent and transformed to be strengths as I continued to excel in communication and interpersonal relationships. I love talking and working with people and I love to help them solve their problems and achieve their highest potential. I apply that love in everything I do: 1) I learned Psychology as I want to understand more about us, amazing human beings 2) I become a professional MC and host as I like to connect directly with audience and assure that they could gain benefit from my programs 3) I am active in social and education movements by being a tutor, trainer, mentor, and speaker, and arranging various educational programs as I want to help the youth to develop their potential to its fullest 4) I was a part of the Human Resources team during two of my previous internships and currently a Human Resources Generalist, as it brought me joy to help my colleagues and potential soon-to-be colleagues to thrive 5) I learned about social media management as I would like to engage with people and cater to their needs through the online platforms 6) I developed my leadership skill and put my best effort to help my groupmates grow in my capacity as a leader in many opportunities I am looking for a role that would help me to utilize this skill to contribute to your company's continued success. Please see more of me: - Video Resume: - LinkedIn: - Portfolio: Looking forward to work with you!

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Available No Experience

Jawa Barat

Bachelor of Management (2023). with an interest in working in the fields of Human Resources, Finance and General Administration. equipped with certification and supporting experience in the field. Communicative, adapts quickly and likes to learn new things. as well as being responsible and independent in carrying out work both with a team and individually.

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Guru Matematika SMA

Available 5 Years 3 Months

DKI Jakarta

Data analyticsMicrosoft Office

Saya memiliki minat yang kuat terhadap Matematika, dunia pendidikan, dan pengolahan data. Berpengalaman dalam mengajar Matematika secara privat sejak awal kuliah hingga saat ini, lima tahun pengalaman mengajar dan membuat soal Matematika di perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan, serta enam bulan pengalaman mengolah, menyajikan, dan melaporkan data nilai siswa. Saya mampu bekerja sama dalam tim, fast learner, dan bertanggung jawab.

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Ecommerce & Digital Marketing

Available 3 Years 6 Months


Microsoft ExcelCustomer service

Saya memiliki pengalaman di customer service, Ecommerce logistik dan Digital Marketing, saya mampu bernegosiasi dan handling customer complain sesuai Standar Operasional Prosedur. Saya membutuhkan pekerjaan dengan kompensasi yang sesuai dengan skill dan pengalaman saya.

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Human Capital Administration

Available 9 Months

DKI Jakarta

Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft Word

Hallo, saya Epah Aisyah seorang wanita berumur 24 tahun, single, energik & sehat. Saya lulusan baru jurusan Psikologi dari Universitas Gunadarma, saya orang yang jujur, pekerja keras, bertanggung jawab dan da0at belajar serta bekerja dengan cepat. Selain itu saya memiliki beberapa pengalaman internship kurang lebih 1 tahun.

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Available No Experience


A bachelor in Psychology, minoring in industrial and organizational psychology. Currently working as Social Media Marketing at Multinational Company, Experienced in social media, digital marketing, and branding. Has an advanced skills of copywriting, content writing, and script writing. Easily adapt for something new.

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Marketing officer

Available 3 Years 3 Months

Sulawesi Selatan


memiliki pengalaman kerja di Bca finance makassar sebagai marketing officer selama 3 tahun. saya memiliki karakter ulet, mudah beradaptasi dan cepat bealajar. lulusan Stmik dipanegara makassar tahun 2019 ipk 3.09.

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Customer Service Team Leader

Available 2 Years 9 Months

DKI Jakarta

I currently work as a Customer Service Team Leader at Finaccel Finance Indonesia. As an experienced Customer Service Representative. I was excited to find that my qualifications and personal strengths align with your needs and mission. I have an experiences during 7 years in Customer Service Specialist at E-Commerce or Start Up Companies. I have experiences operating Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint,..), Google Sheets. I have experiences work in fast-pace enviroment, energetic, analytical thinking, problem solving, detail oriented, customer focus oriented, good interpersonal and communication skill which equipped me with skillsets that matches the requirements of this job. I Have willing to learn something new. Please review my enclosed resume for a more in-depth illustration of my work history and accomplishments. I would appreciate the opportunity to interview at your earliest convenience. I'm eager to discuss how my personality and background fit the Customer Service Representative role. Thank you for your time and consideration of my candidacy. Sincerely, Lusyanathika ADP

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Human Resources & Recruitment

Available No Experience

Jawa Barat

Public SpeakingFast Typing

Saya adalah seorang Psikolog yang memiliki karakter: etos kerja yang tinggi, cekatan, problem solving yang baik dan memiliki kepemimpinan kearah Transformasional. Selain itu saya menguasai alat tes untuk psikotes serta menguasai dimensi industri dalam konteks SDM.

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